Since 1882, the Knights of Columbus has helped hundreds of thousands of Catholic families get the security and peace of mind they need.
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Field Agent Report – June 2022
I recently read an article in Good Housekeeping magazine about home security and smart technology helping to keep our homes secure. It talked about devices that can monitor our homes. There are doorbells that see, security cameras that can be set up inside and out, smart speakers like Alexa and Google Assistant that can control lots of home features. Thermostats or room air conditioners can be set to automatically adjust to changing temperatures. Garage doors can be opened when packages are delivered to an empty home to protect products from porch bandits. Lawns can be watered at optimal times and even the grass can be cut robotically. Doors can be locked remotely and lights in various rooms can be turned on and off by voice or by preset timers. These devices can do the thinking for you. Your home can be on “autopilot.” You can set them and forget them.
Yes, there are many advantages to automatic programming of these devices. We can see who’s at our door by watching on our phones, we can open and close the garage door for package delivery, we can be energy efficient by setting the thermostat for heat and air conditioning for optimal times and temperatures. But there is a big cautionary tale that some devices if not properly monitored, can cause havoc. These devices can be hacked and expose the homeowner to security breaches, even taking over cameras and watching inside the home unbeknownst to the homeowner.
As I read through the article I was struck by the parallels with the new and evolving automated devices that our homes use and a family’s insurance protection. A family can take a look at where they stand using our financial needs analysis program and put products in place to address the unknowns. Taking action to address shortfalls brings a family a certain sense of comfort and well-being that should the unexpected happen, the family is protected.
This is a great start because looking at your family’s needs and taking steps to ensure that those needs are addressed is a prudent and wise thing to do. However while home security systems create a certain comfort level and it’s dangerous to become complacent, so too when it comes to your family’s future financial security. Just as one must be vigilant and make sure these smart systems protect the family and are kept safe from hackers, it’s important to be vigilant with a family’s insurance protection. It can’t be addressed once and assume that it’s always going to be OK. It’s dangerous to just “set it and forget it.” Situations change; life can be one surprise after another. If you’ve completed a family financial needs analysis and taken steps to protect your family, congratulations!
When it comes to protecting your family, don’t let the “hackers” of complacency, indifference, or laxness wreak havoc on your life!
Let’s get together and make sure your family doesn’t have any “security breaches!”
Vivat Jesus!
Murray Caster